


Being a man in this world is not easy. Our worth is judged upon our abilities as achievers and providers.

You’ve got to hustle, grind, scratch, and claw your way through obstacles to overcome limitations and reach success. It’s a dog-eat-dog arena where only the toughest men survive.

You may be such a man.

Unfortunately, the very same traits that make us so successful can also lead to our downfall. We can be so driven to be successful that we can easily neglect our health.

Does any of the following resonate with you:

  • Has your physique become the very “fat body” you used to disdain?
  • Are you chronically sleep-deprived and frequently low on energy?
  • Are you experiencing achy joints for no apparent reason?
  • Have your moods been up and down with your temper ready to go off like a frag grenade?
  • Has your sex drive tanked or not been what it used to be?
  • Do you have brain fog?
  • Have you had any inexplicable feelings of depression?
  • Do you experience a constant feeling of anxiety and dread?
  • Has your self-motivation faded?
  • Do you experience an ongoing feeling of shame?
  • Have you lost your self-respect?

You may be hustling and grinding with your career . . . and you could making a name for yourself as the hard-core dude who gets shit done and makes things happen.

But if you are no longer a healthy, strong, and vital man, you are wasting your potential.

And if you are failing to live up to your own standards, you are repeatedly eroding your self-worth and destroying your self-respect each and every single day you fail to listen to your inner voice.

It’s that inner voice—or possibly God’s voice—that is telling you to “get off your ass and do something about it.”

Perhaps you’ve tried every diet under the Sun. You may have wasted thousands of dollars on gym memberships. You might have tried all the best books and courses. Maybe you’ve even hired a personal trainer.

Yet, the change you’ve been looking for continues to remain out of reach, maybe even more out of reach with each passing day.

Are you FED UP with all the sterile clinics that treat you like a number?
Are you DONE with doctors who never treat the root causes?
Are you READY to say goodbye to all the empty promises
and weak treatments that get you nowhere?

What you need is a NEW approach. Something DIFFERENT. Something that cuts through the bullshit, holds you accountable, and can help you to finally RECLAIM your Strength and Self-Respect.

What you need is guidance from experts in men’s health who understand what you’re going through and who can help you navigate through the weeds to get you where you want to go

Well . . . NOW is your chance.

Are you FED UP with all the sterile clinics that treat you like a number?
Are you DONE with doctors who never treat the root causes?
Are you READY to say goodbye to all the empty promises and weak treatments that get you nowhere?

What you need is a NEW approach. Something DIFFERENT. Something that cuts through the bullshit, holds you accountable, and can help you to finally RECLAIM your Strength and Self-Respect.

What you need is guidance from experts in men’s health who understand what you’re going through and who can help you navigate through the weeds to get you where you want to go

Well . . . NOW is your chance.



This is where men go to transform their lives when all else fails.

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill TRT clinic that tries to fool you into believing that all you need is a drug to solve all your problems. 

Nor is this your typical self-help program that encourages you to nurture your inner child and accept yourself just the way you are. 

OPERATION PHOENIX is a high-level Men’s Health program designed by experts in Regenerative Medicine, Sports Nutrition, Performance Psychology, and Strength and Conditioning. 

Our Unique and Powerful Framework is specifically designed for driven, type-A men like you who are ready to reclaim—if not surpass—your masculine prime. 

This is THE SOLUTION you’ve been searching for, the ULTIMATE Transformation Program tailor-made for you, the Man.

THIS is your chance to make your comeback. THIS is your chance to earn back Your Self-Respect. And it might just be the BEST shot you’ve got.


If you are an older man like me, your visit here could lead to the MOST impactful transformational experience you have ever had. 

And it could just save your life.

Hello. My name is Darius Creed. I’m a peak-performance coach, military veteran, and the co-CEO of OPERATION PHOENIX. 

The reason I’m having this talk with you right now is because I’ve seen and known far too many men who have lost their way, and I want to do something about it.

I’m talking about men who are no longer living up to their own physical standards. 

These previously proud, fit, and vital men have become tired, fat, and old. 

They have lost their edge. They have lost their self-respect.

If this describes your situation, I understand the challenges you’re going through. I understand many of the struggles you may be facing with your health. 

Most importantly, I understand the physical and psychological toll this experience could be having on you.

How would I know? Because I’ve been there. 

And I can show you how to restore your health, reclaim your self-respect, and reinvent your life.


Welcome to OPERATION PHOENIX. I’m Dr. Catherine Divingian, AKA “Dr. D.” 

As a physician, I have witnessed firsthand how dismissive most of the conventional medical community has been with men’s health. 

Despite pleas for help, clueless medical doctors disregard their male clients’ symptoms of low T and insist that their levels of testosterone are “normal.”

As a man, it doesn’t matter how tired you are, how low your libido has dropped, or how much your drive has weakened. Such concerns are often ignored by “experts” who allegedly know better. 

But they are wrong.

You KNOW that you no longer have the same energy, strength, or libido. And you now KNOW that the REAL solutions lie elsewhere, outside the conventional system.

And that’s where I come in. For nearly a decade, I have dedicated my focus toward men’s health and have identified ALL the vital components necessary to MAXIMIZE masculine restoration at EVERY level. 

We offer both TRT AND other POWERFUL methods that do NOT suppress natural testosterone.

Not only do we provide viable real-world solutions to RAPIDLY optimize your testosterone but we can also show you the best strategies to keep your T going strong for years, potentially decades. 

This is an integrative service most testosterone specialists will NEVER provide.

As an Army physician, our company’s co-CEO, and Chief Medical Officer, my mission is clear: to restore men to their PEAK health, strength, and testosterone-fueled bad-assery. 

If you have a men’s health problem, if no one else can help, WE are your A-Team.










Brain Enhancement











Very few consultants and coaches limit their services to men. Whether they hold one-on-one meetings or group sessions, most programs will cater to both men and women. If the goal is to simply teach, this is generally not a problem. 

However, for the purpose of developing a cohesive culture, the co-ed approach often misses the mark. Generally speaking, men and women possess very different psychologies, have very different needs, and hold very different values. This is particularly evident when masculine men are shamed for their “toxic masculinity.”

We are among the few coaches who do NOT toe the line of mainstream societal expectations. We do not give a DAMN about being politically correct, nor do we have any intention of attacking men for their masculinity. Quite the opposite. We celebrate manhood.

In OPERATION PHOENIX, men are free to be themselves and embrace their warrior ethos. This leads to a tight-knit culture of men who have a deep understanding of each other and who hold respect and honor—both for themselves and each other—in high regard.



Most men’s health specialists are limited to one or two areas of expertise such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or erectile dysfunction (ED) drug treatments.

Like many other conventional practitioners, their one-dimensional approach tends to be narrowly fixated on chasing symptoms with quick fixes.

Very few have the expertise needed to address the causes behind low T or ED, nor the knowledge to design or implement the strategies required to optimize health at the highest level.

At our clinic, we offer stand-alone treatments to boost testosterone or treat ED.

But men’s health isn’t just about low T and ED. It spans a variety of challenges, such as weight gain, low energy, injuries, brain fog, and hormonal dysfunction, just to name a few.

Popping some pills or getting a shot may be enough for some guys. But it’s usually not enough for most men because the causes of their low T or ED are never addressed.

After all . . . what good is higher testosterone if a man still looks like shit?

If you need a higher level of support, we provide a COMPLETE transformation program that addresses equally important areas of your health such as diet, supplementation, exercise, and sleep.

Here at OPERATION PHOENIX, we help men who truly want to be the STRONGEST version of themselves, REAL Men who are BADASSES.



A significant percentage of men’s health clinics lack well-structured customized program designs.

Quite often, the doctors and consultants can be found prescribing copy-and-paste treatments or dispensing generic consulting advice with little regard for personalized needs.

Consequently, the unique circumstances, needs, preferences, and goals of their clients often go ignored.

OPERATION PHOENIX was founded with the primary mission to skyrocket your health and performance to the HIGHEST possible levels.

This can only be achieved through scientifically measured, goal-focused, personalized programs—based on solid frameworks—that facilitate continued incremental gains in your progress.

In other words, we actually LISTEN to what you have to say because we will customize a plan that is uniquely designed for YOU.



A surprising number of men’s health professionals do not consistently track their clients’ data.

Consequently, progress assessments are often unreliable or based on subjective perceptions.

We make every effort to track relevant data during every session. This meticulous attention to detail allows both practitioner and client to recognize progress, as well as areas that require adjustments.

The founders of OPERATION PHOENIX are military vets and are very exacting with their metrics. So, you can be confident that there is no guesswork here.



Many clients seeking to improve their health and performance will fail to reach their most ambitious objectives.

Most advisors of men’s health know this. So, they tailor their clients’ programs to keep expectations low (perhaps moderate at best).

Consequently, clients are typically encouraged to be “reasonable” in their goals and to celebrate modest results.

Our company name is called OPERATION PHOENIX for a good reason: We DETEST mediocrity. And like the phoenix, we are driven to help men rise above their limitations to make their comeback.

We don’t endorse average results—EVER. With OPERATION PHOENIX, we expect the best and give the best.



When it comes to brain health and mindset, there are a lot of coaches who employ odd methods that may have you scratching your head in bewilderment.

They may want you to jump up and down and pump yourself up with the sounds of motivational cheerleading or have you tap into the ethereal and enter altered states of metaphysical nirvana.

That might work for some hippies looking for a good time, but it’s probably not what you’re looking for in a solid transformation program.

Unlike a lot of woo-woo programs out there, we take a real-world approach that is unabashedly pragmatic and results-focused.

Our brain-optimization methods are based on scientifically supported data obtained from the fields of neuroscience and performance psychology, concepts taught to the world’s greatest athletes, competitive fighters, and business professionals.

We at OPERATION PHOENIX are a culture of practical professionals who prefer a no-bullshit approach that cuts through nonsense in a way that gets the job done. And THAT is how we roll.



Too many so-called experts assure their clients that they don’t have to exercise much and that they can eat whatever they want.

They want you to believe that transformation should be as comfortable as possible and that all that’s needed is a pill or a shot.

Some clinics even provide their customers junk food snacks that contain the very ingredients that are contributing to their health problems (including low T).

Consequently, these “experts” lead their clients into a false sense of security that prevents them from ever achieving health and performance beyond any level outside the ordinary.

OPERATION PHOENIX is not for those who just want to be comfortable. That is not where growth occurs.

Don’t misunderstand. We make transformation incredibly SIMPLE and EFFICIENT, much more so than most. And we do our best to produce results FAST.

What makes our clients so successful is the fact that our transformation coaching programs are based on a foundation of discipline and self-accountability, characteristics sadly lacking in the vast majority of men’s health programs available today.

In an era that welcomes mediocrity and encourages the path of least resistance, we stand apart by embracing the warrior ethos. Because THAT is what it takes to help REAL Men.



A lot of doctors, consultants, and coaches are very prescriptive with the disciplines they recommend.

However, very few have any strategies on how to expand the time needed to implement new habits such as meal prep, supplement timing, scheduled exercise, and optimum sleep.

It’s just assumed that clients will simply figure it out.

That approach might work for people with a lot of time on their hands, but it’s not the most effective way to disrupt old patterns of behavior that have become firmly rooted into the routines of busy professionals.

We understand that personal transformation requires an investment of time, and time is a luxury very few high-achieving men have much to spare.

Fortunately, the medical and consulting specialists of OPERATION PHOENIX are masters of efficiency. We have had to be, or we would not be able to live by the principles we teach.

So, we ensure that the most effective time-expansion strategies are built into your customized transformation program for MAX success.



Most men’s health doctors, consultants, and coaches have a cookie-cutter plan with expected outcomes based on a simple formulaic view of their clients’ progress.

But how many of these well-intentioned professionals plan for times when life throws their clients’ a curveball? Very few do.

Why? Probably because doing so acknowledges that they cannot offer the perfect program. But no such program exists.

Without any contingency plans, the best laid plans will inevitably run into obstacles that will blindside even the most committed individuals.

We at OPERATION PHOENIX are driven to produce the very BEST outcomes possible. Mediocrity is the enemy.

Yet, we are realists. We know how life operates. We recognize that adversity may sometimes stand in the way.

Although our programs were designed for maximum results, we have contingency plans in place to ensure that when unexpected setbacks interfere with your progress, we know how to seamlessly get you back on the saddle as quickly as possible so you can continue to CRUSH your transformation milestones no matter what.



How many doctors, consultants, or coaches in men’s health actually live by the principles they are expected to know?

It’s one thing to have book knowledge about health, but having firsthand experience is another matter entirely.

The sad reality is that many of these so-called experts are in worse shape than their clients.

No wonder most of them have nothing to offer other than a pill or a shot. Because that’s all they are doing.

You may be fortunate enough to find experts in this field who have prioritized their health and who live by the principles they advocate. But it’s hit or miss.

We are among the few experts in men’s health who know what it REALLY takes to keep the fire going because we live it each and every day. Everyone on our team shares the same values we teach our clients.

Not only that, but we also know what it’s like to struggle with aging, obesity, and injuries, and how to rise above these obstacles.

And THAT personal experience is what can help you transform in ways that the average men’s “health” expert won’t be able to do beyond the clinical setting.









Very few consultants and coaches limit their services to men. Whether they hold one-on-one meetings or group sessions, most programs will cater to both men and women. If the goal is to simply teach, this is generally not a problem.

However, for the purpose of developing a cohesive culture, the co-ed approach often misses the mark. Generally speaking, men and women possess very different psychologies, have very different needs, and hold very different values. This is particularly evident when masculine men are shamed for their “toxic masculinity.”


We are among the few coaches who do NOT toe the line of mainstream societal expectations. We do not give a DAMN about being politically correct, nor do we have any intention of attacking men for their masculinity. Quite the opposite. We celebrate manhood.

In OPERATION PHOENIX, men are free to be themselves and embrace their warrior ethos. This leads to a tight-knit culture of men who have a deep understanding of each other and who hold respect and honor—both for themselves and each other—in high regard.


Most men’s health specialists are limited to one or two areas of expertise such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or erectile dysfunction (ED) drug treatments.

Like many other conventional practitioners, their one-dimensional approach tends to be narrowly fixated on chasing symptoms with quick fixes.

Very few have the expertise needed to address the causes behind low T or ED, nor the knowledge to design or implement the strategies required to optimize health at the highest level.


At our clinic, we offer stand-alone treatments to boost testosterone or treat ED.

But men’s health isn’t just about low T and ED. It spans a variety of challenges, such as weight gain, low energy, injuries, brain fog, and hormonal dysfunction, just to name a few.

Popping some pills or getting a shot may be enough for some guys. But it’s usually not enough for most men because the causes of their low T or ED are never addressed.

After all . . . what good is higher testosterone if a man still looks like shit?

If you need a higher level of support, we provide a COMPLETE transformation program that addresses equally important areas of your health such as diet, supplementation, exercise, and sleep.

Here at OPERATION PHOENIX, we help men who truly want to be the STRONGEST version of themselves, REAL Men who are BADASSES.


A significant percentage of men’s health clinics lack well-structured customized program designs.

Quite often, the doctors and consultants can be found prescribing copy-and-paste treatments or dispensing generic consulting advice with little regard for personalized needs.

Consequently, the unique circumstances, needs, preferences, and goals of their clients often go ignored.


OPERATION PHOENIX was founded with the primary mission to skyrocket your health and performance to the HIGHEST possible levels.

This can only be achieved through scientifically measured, goal-focused, personalized programs—based on solid frameworks—that facilitate continued incremental gains in your progress.

In other words, we actually LISTEN to what you have to say because we will customize a plan that is uniquely designed for YOU.


A surprising number of men’s health professionals do not consistently track their clients’ data.

Consequently, progress assessments are often unreliable or based on subjective perceptions.


We make every effort to track relevant data during every session. This meticulous attention to detail allows both practitioner and client to recognize progress, as well as areas that require adjustments.

The founders of OPERATION PHOENIX are military vets and are very exacting with their metrics. So, you can be confident that there is no guesswork here.


Many clients seeking to improve their health and performance will fail to reach their most ambitious objectives.

Most advisors of men’s health know this. So, they tailor their clients’ programs to keep expectations low (perhaps moderate at best).

Consequently, clients are typically encouraged to be “reasonable” in their goals and to celebrate modest results.


Our company name is called OPERATION PHOENIX for a good reason: We DETEST mediocrity. And like the phoenix, we are driven to help men rise above their limitations to make their comeback.

We don’t endorse average results—EVER. With OPERATION PHOENIX, we expect the best and give the best.


When it comes to brain health and mindset, there are a lot of coaches who employ odd methods that may have you scratching your head in bewilderment.

They may want you to jump up and down and pump yourself up with the sounds of motivational cheerleading or have you tap into the ethereal and enter altered states of metaphysical nirvana.

That might work for some hippies looking for a good time, but it’s probably not what you’re looking for in a solid transformation program.


Unlike a lot of woo-woo programs out there, we take a real-world approach that is unabashedly pragmatic and results-focused.

Our brain-optimization methods are based on scientifically supported data obtained from the fields of neuroscience and performance psychology, concepts taught to the world’s greatest athletes, competitive fighters, and business professionals.

We at OPERATION PHOENIX are a culture of practical professionals who prefer a no-bullshit approach that cuts through nonsense in a way that gets the job done. And THAT is how we roll.


Too many so-called experts assure their clients that they don’t have to exercise much and that they can eat whatever they want.

They want you to believe that transformation should be as comfortable as possible and that all that’s needed is a pill or a shot.

Some clinics even provide their customers junk food snacks that contain the very ingredients that are contributing to their health problems (including low T).


OPERATION PHOENIX is not for those who just want to be comfortable. That is not where growth occurs.

Don’t misunderstand. We make transformation incredibly SIMPLE and EFFICIENT, much more so than most. And we do our best to produce results FAST.

What makes our clients so successful is the fact that our transformation coaching programs are based on a foundation of discipline and self-accountability, characteristics sadly lacking in the vast majority of men’s health programs available today.

In an era that welcomes mediocrity and encourages the path of least resistance, we stand apart by embracing the warrior ethos. Because THAT is what it takes to help REAL Men.


A lot of doctors, consultants, and coaches are very prescriptive with the disciplines they recommend.

However, very few have any strategies on how to expand the time needed to implement new habits such as meal prep, supplement timing, scheduled exercise, and optimum sleep.

It’s just assumed that clients will simply figure it out.

That approach might work for people with a lot of time on their hands, but it’s not the most effective way to disrupt old patterns of behavior that have become firmly rooted into the routines of busy professionals.


We understand that personal transformation requires an investment of time, and time is a luxury very few high-achieving men have much to spare.

Fortunately, the medical and consulting specialists of OPERATION PHOENIX are masters of efficiency. We have had to be, or we would not be able to live by the principles we teach.

So, we ensure that the most effective time-expansion strategies are built into your customized transformation program for MAX success.


Most men’s health doctors, consultants, and coaches have a cookie-cutter plan with expected outcomes based on a simple formulaic view of their clients’ progress.

But how many of these well-intentioned professionals plan for times when life throws their clients’ a curveball? Very few do.

Why? Probably because doing so acknowledges that they cannot offer the perfect program. But no such program exists.

Without any contingency plans, the best laid plans will inevitably run into obstacles that will blindside even the most committed individuals.


We at OPERATION PHOENIX are driven to produce the very BEST outcomes possible. Mediocrity is the enemy.

Yet, we are realists. We know how life operates. We recognize that adversity may sometimes stand in the way.

Although our programs were designed for maximum results, we have contingency plans in place to ensure that when unexpected setbacks interfere with your progress, we know how to seamlessly get you back on the saddle as quickly as possible so you can continue to CRUSH your transformation milestones no matter what.


How many doctors, consultants, or coaches in men’s health actually live by the principles they are expected to know?

It’s one thing to have book knowledge about health, but having firsthand experience is another matter entirely.

The sad reality is that many of these so-called experts are in worse shape than their clients.

No wonder most of them have nothing to offer other than a pill or a shot. Because that’s all they are doing.

You may be fortunate enough to find experts in this field who have prioritized their health and who live by the principles they advocate. But it’s hit or miss.


We are among the few experts in men’s health who know what it REALLY takes to keep the fire going because we live it each and every day. Everyone on our team shares the same values we teach our clients.

Not only that, but we also know what it’s like to struggle with aging, obesity, and injuries, and how to rise above these obstacles.

And THAT personal experience is what can help you transform in ways that the average men’s “health” expert won’t be able to do beyond the clinical setting.



“I know what it’s like to be out of shape . . . or at least the WRONG shape!”

Over the past several decades, Creed has devoted literally thousands of hours to researching human potential, both in body and in mind. It is his passion, his identity. He is also an avid practitioner of his craft and loves to test his mental and physical abilities in a never-ending quest for personal transformation. A significant part of his passion lies in sharing his knowledge with anyone willing to take action toward improved health and fitness peak performance.

Yet, it wasn’t always an upward trajectory of self-improvement. Like anyone else, Creed has had his fair share of pity parties and self-sabotaging behaviors. At one point, during his 30s, after a particularly difficult period in his life, he skipped out on regular exercise, routinely indulged in comfort foods, and allowed himself to become tired and fat.

“A lot of clients don’t feel they can relate to their coach, nor do they feel that their coach can relate to them. Because it takes one to know one. They don’t feel like their coach can truly understand what it’s like to struggle through obesity and all the challenges associated with it, both physical and psychological. But I understand. Because I’ve been there.

“Fortunately, this was a temporary setback. I eventually reached a point where I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and decided to apply the principles I had learned to restore my health and transform myself back into the fit and healthy man I once was. 

“The experience, while far from positive, gave me a personal understanding of the kinds of inner challenges that obese people go through. This perspective provided a template for duplicatable transformational success, one that teaches others the same mental secrets and health and fitness strategies I used to transform my own life.”

Darius Creed