We cater specifically to men. As such, we embrace a culture that celebrates the Man. We don’t give a damn about political correctness or virtue signaling here. We encourage you to be you, along with all your “toxic masculinity.”
Our NEUROPATH-X Peripheral Nerve Health program offers external counterpulsation (ECP), a pioneering technology that not only improves conditions such as peripheral neuropathy (PN) but also develops collateral vascular networks across the entire body that supply increased blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients for enhanced cardiovascular performance.
The increased vasculature provides numerous health and longevity advantages. These include improved cardiac function, increased exercise capacity, enhanced cognitive function, decreased stroke risk, and enhanced protection from life-threatening arterial blockages. ECP can even lead to erectile restoration.
For those looking to focus only on their limb pain, our low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) provides a more targeted approach and can be used for PN. Like ECP, LI-ESWT can build collateral vessels in the limbs that can lead to reduced pain, enhanced blood flow, improved nerve health, and restored limb function.
We also provide bioactive supplements that deliver essential nutrients known to improve the function of the cardiovascular system and protect against inflammation. When combined with ECP or LI-ESWT, the results are nothing less than spectacular.
Unlike most doctors who are happy to give you some medications and send you on your way, we provide in-depth lifestyle consulting in all the ways you can augment our treatments with targeted nutrition, heart-supportive exercise, stress-reduction techniques, and iron-clad sleep strategies. All of these invaluable tips can be easily and seamlessly implemented into your busy schedule without a hitch.
At our clinic, based in Tallahassee, Florida, we do not offer conventional drugs (such as pain killers or anti-convulsants) for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy (PN). We recommend you speak with your physician if you feel compelled to implement these methods.
Rather than suppress symptoms, we prefer an approach that targets the root cause while simultaneously treating immediate problems using nutrient-rich supplements and bioactive peptides. We use ingredients that have been demonstrated across multiple studies to mitigate inflammation and increase blood flow. These can be added with your main treatment plan for amplified effects.
That depends on whether you have diabetes or some other underlying condition and how committed you are to apply the guidelines we lay out for you. Your results also depend on whether you make use of our technologies, which can greatly accelerate and augment whatever outcomes can be experienced from supplements or peptides alone.
Finally, your lifestyle, which can be influenced by such things as your sleep quality, activity levels, diet, stressors, and environmental factors, all play significant roles in the health of your vessels. A critical component of our program includes education in these areas so you can fully optimize your results to their max.
Keep in mind, if you are experiencing any insulin resistance (often related to PN), this is something that may have been brewing in the background for quite a while. And since such problems usually take time to develop, they cannot be expected to go away overnight.
Nevertheless, our integrative solutions, if correctly applied, should take only a few weeks to notice the results. Men with more severe symptoms of PN may take a couple of months for optimum results.
Regardless of how long it takes, you owe it to yourself to address this problem NOW before any nerve issues become worse. And remember, peripheral neuropathy could be a sign of some underlying cardiovascular or metabolic condition that may be the cause.
If you resonate with our mission, and if you’re the kind of DECISIVE
Man who Grabs Life by the Throat and is DRIVEN to succeed . . .
Let’s Talk.
Self-Respect, schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our
professional coaches. We will design a solid program that will
provide the kind of Accelerated No-Nonsense Results
You’ve been Searching for Your Entire Life.